Wyben Amarillo Roofing

5 Tips to Prepare your Roof for Any Weather Conditions

Living in Texas can mean enjoying the nice, sunny day one moment and running to grab a jacket the next!

The unpredictable Amarillo weather can leave you wondering if your roof holds up against the natural elements and outside debris. 

 With the colder weather coming in, your roof is the main protection for your home! There are many things you can do to ensure your roof is in its best shape, but we have listed the top 5 things you can do to prepare your home from any extreme weather outside debris.


  1.  Examine Your Roof Closely 

While this might seem like a giveaway, many people do not take the time or know how to observe the damage on their roof, even from the ground. Taking time to fully observe your roof can help prevent major damages from taking place in the future. 

Here are some signs you can look for when examining your roof:

  • Worn-Down Roofing Materials: Rust, gray/silver colored shingles, and water damage. Can include water stains 
  • Punctures & Cracks: Can be caused from debris, insects/animals, and temperature.
  • Loose, Broken, Missing, Shingles: Debris, weather, or poor installation can cause damage.
  • Caulking & Flashing: Wrinkled or missing caulking and Loosing or missing flashings .

It can be intimidating to go on your roof, let alone to  know all the signs of a damaged roof. 

We encourage you to reach out to an Amarillo roofing contractor for a professional inspection and consultation. 


Contact us to schedule your FREE inspection at https://bit.ly/3n6Ev12.

2. Examine Internal Damage 

Internal damage around your home can be a sign your roof has been damaged and is no longer protecting your home. 

Here are some internal signs to look for when examining your home for roofing damage:

  • Water stains. Water stains can be a major indicator of leaks coming through your roof. Catching these early on is important to prevent further damage like mold, rotten framing, and destroyed insulation.
  • Daylight. Daylight peaking through can be the result of holes or gaps on your roof.
  • Sagging areas. These areas can be water lingering  in your home creating a bubble on your ceiling.
  • Drafts. While sometimes it can be nice to feel a draft of wind, you should not be able to feel drafts inside your home. This can indicate a hole that needs to be repaired.

Internal damage might be easier to catch as a homeowner, but it is important to contact an Amarillo roofing contractor to ensure all damage is examined and fixed before an extreme weather day. 


3. Trim Any Trees Above Your Home

With unknown weather, windy days, thunderstorms, or snow fall can cause overhanging tree branches to fall onto your home. 

Branches falling onto your home can cause major damage if they are larger, but it is possible for your roof to experience scratches, leaks, or other damage, you may not be able to examine, from smaller branches. 

Another way trees could harm your roof is through falling leaves and needle clogging up your gutters. With clogged gutters, your home is exposed to an excess of moisture that could lead to mold, moss, or algae growth around your roof. Without proper care, this could lead to further damage! 

Trimming of branches should be done reasonably through the year to ensure your home is ready incase of high Amarillo winds, or other unpredicted Texas weather.

4. Check Your Gutters

Your gutters can damage your roof in more ways than you know! 

Clogged gutters are the perfect space for pests to strive in. 

The gutters can provide them safety from larger animals who hunt them in the wild, giving them the perfect place to nest. 

If they are left on your roof, they can cause unnoticeable damage to your home by scratching and chewing to gain access to your home from the attic! 



These damages can result in loose shingles, bent vents, torn open siding, and holes allowing critters, debris, and the weather elements into your home. If the pests do not make it into your home, they can still cause problems from the outside.

With debris accumulated, rodents and pests can use your home as grounds for their infestation. The pests can cause obstructions and blockage, preventing your gutters from properly draining water from your roof. Water that is left can lead to further damage from mold and mildew. However, water is not the only threat your home faces when pests decide to nest into your gutters.

Sometimes, these critters can get stuck in your gutters and die. When this happens, it can attract bugs and other animals, like snakes to your home. These predators can be dangerous and cause harm to you or your family. 

Regular gutter maintenance will prevent debris from piling up and attracting rodents to use your gutters as a nesting spot. 

Gutter covers can also be a great way to defend your home from pests. 


If your home does not have gutters, our Amarillo roofing experts are able to install gutters to help protect your home against moisture damage. 

5. Get Professional Repair & Winterizing Help

After examining your roof and identifying any problem areas, it is important to reach out to an Amarillo Roofing expert to help protect your home against extreme weather and other outside elements. 

Scheduling an appointment with a qualified roofing contractor can also ensure all problem areas you notice are properly taken care of. A trained roofing contractor can also examine your roof for further damages that could put your home at risk!


Your roof is your home’s first line of defense against the outside world, and our Amarillo roofing experts are ready to help! 

Contact us to schedule your FREE inspection at https://bit.ly/3n6Ev12 or call 806-318-2929.

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